In September 2011, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia passed UU No. 23 tahun 2011 neighbor centralized management of zakat. This is based on the reality of management of charity that still have not been well integrated in the collection, distribution, and reporting so impressed the amil zakat institutions to one another is still running on their own. Passing of the Law No. 23 Year 2011 marked a new era ties between Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) with the Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ).
The concept of centralization and coordination, between BAZNAS and LAZ not without its challenges, the pros and cons of Law Act. It is interesting to study the relationship so that the model will achieve a better Indonesia through zakat primarily for the purpose of poverty alleviation. This paper uses qualitative descriptive analysis method informant interviews with experts to determine the model of the ideal relationship between institutions.
This paper aims to discuss the state of the management of zakat in Indonesia during the pre and post adoption Zakat Management Act UU No. 23 tahun 2011 and the alternative models the position of the institutions concerned. The discussion includes a model of the relationship between institutions, so that the management system is a national charity can be done anamah, transparent, and professional. In the end, the position of BAZNA must be independent and as regulator of the management of zakat.